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Mexico City is the fourth largest film and television production center in North America, as well as the largest in Latin America. Mexico has twice won the highest honor at the Cannes Film Festival, having won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film for María Candelaria in 1946 and the Palme d'Or in 1961 for Viridiana, more than any other Latin American nation. The Guadalajara International Film Festival is the most prestigious Latin American film festival and is held annually In Guadalajara, Mexico. ĭuring the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, Mexico all but dominated the Latin American film industry. From 1915 onward, Mexican cinema focused on narrative film.

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With the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution in 1910, Mexican and foreign makers of silent films seized the opportunity to document its leaders and events. Seeing a demonstration of short films in 1896, Díaz immediately saw the importance of documenting his presidency in order to present an ideal image of it. Mexican cinema dates to the late nineteenth century during the rule of President Porfirio Díaz.

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